CloudSponge has been offering companies (lyft, airbnb, yelp, Nextdoor and InvisionApp) the ability to let their users access their address books, easily and consistently. In an overall push to revamp the marketing, onboarding, portal and overall business structure, we were brought on to help rebuild the overall user experience during onboarding, from sign up to completed integration.
Twists and Turns
The onboarding process for CloudSponge can be rough. Email clients such as Gmail can be ever-changing and require many steps to connect to. From the get-go, we knew that the onboarding process was not a seamless experience. Each email client can have their own needs. We worked with CloudSponge's CEO and CTO to fully understand the technical pieces the user needed to complete in order to fully use the product.
Building Wireflows
Once we understood the user flow, we embarked on building wire flows as a final deliverable to the design and development team. The wire flows were fully interactive allowing CloudSponge to experience the onboarding UX, while also making it quick and easy to adjust and iterate.